Mac OS X Privilege Escalation via Use-After-Free: CVE-2016-1828
Among the bugs that Apple patched in OS X 10.11.5 is CVE-2016-1828, a use-after-free I discovered late last year while looking through the kernel source. Combined with CVE-2016-1758, an information leak patched in 10.11.4, this vulnerability can be used to execute arbitrary code in the kernel. In this post I’ll document how I created rootsh, a local privilege escalation for OS X 10.10.5 (14F27).
CVE-2016-1828 is a use-after-free in the function OSUnserializeBinary
. By
passing a crafted binary blob to this function, it is possible to invoke a
virtual method on an object with a controlled vtable pointer. I leveraged the
use-after-free to create a NULL pointer dereference, allowing the vtable and
the ROP stack to live in user space.
CVE-2016-1758 is a kernel stack disclosure in the function if_clone_list
. 8
bytes of uninitialized kernel stack are copied to user space. Those bytes can
be initialized to a known location within the kernel text segment by invoking a
system call prior to triggering the disclosure. After leaking the text segment
pointer, the kernel slide can be computed by subtracting the base address of
that particular text segment location from the leaked address.
I made several simplifying assumptions while developing rootsh. First, rootsh relies on SMAP being disabled, which means the exploit would have to be redesigned to work on newer (Broadwell and later) Macs. Second, I targeted the ROP gadgets at 10.10.5, since this was my initial development platform. Between 10.10.5 and 10.11 these ROP gadgets disappeared, so as written rootsh will fail on all versions of El Capitan. The exploit could be rewritten to work on El Capitan up through 10.11.3, but I chose not to. If you want to try rootsh on your own, you can set up a virtual machine running
Table of Contents
- Overview of the OS X Kernel
- Use After Free
- Kernel ASLR
- Elevating Privileges
- Building the ROP Stack
- Running the Payload
- Conclusion
Overview of the OS X Kernel
Before describing the exploit process, we’ll briefly look at the various pieces of the OS X kernel. The kernel, known as XNU, is composed of three major subsystems:
BSD: The BSD portion of the kernel implements most of the system calls, networking, and filesystem functionality. Much of this code is taken directly from FreeBSD 5.
Mach: The Mach part of the kernel is derived from the Mach 3.0 microkernel developed at Carnegie Mellon University. It implements fundamental services like memory maps and IPC primitives. User space programs access Mach services via Mach traps.
IOKit: IOKit is Apple’s framework for writing drivers for XNU. It is written in C++. Many C++ features (notably exceptions, multiple inheritance, and RTTI) are too complicated or inefficient to include in the kernel, so Apple provides its own runtime system called libkern.
When a user application communicates with a kernel driver, it often wants to
pass structured data objects like strings, arrays, and dictionaries. Libkern
makes this easy by defining container and collection classes
that correspond to the CoreFoundation objects users pass to the user space
APIs. These classes, which all inherit from OSObject
, are outlined in the
table below.
XML tag | CoreFoundation class | Libkern class | Contents |
true or false |
CFBoolean |
OSBoolean |
Boolean true or false |
data |
CFData |
OSData |
Array of bytes |
integer |
CFNumber |
OSNumber |
Integer value |
string |
CFString |
OSString |
Array of characters |
OSSymbol |
Reference to unique string | ||
array |
CFArray |
OSArray |
Array of objects |
dict |
CFDictionary |
OSDictionary |
Map of strings to objects |
set |
CFSet |
OSSet |
Set of unique objects |
When a CoreFoundation object is to be sent to the kernel, it is first converted
into a binary or XML representation by IOCFSerialize
. The serialized data is
then copied into the kernel and deserialized using OSUnserializeXML
will call OSUnserializeBinary
if the supplied data is
actually a binary encoding.
The OSUnserializeBinary
function attempts to decode
the supplied data and reconstruct the original object. Often the deserialized
object is a container such as OSDictionary
containing several entries. In
order to minimize the size of the encoding when the same object is included in
a collection several times, the binary encoding format supports referencing
previously serialized objects by index. Thus, the decoding logic stores each
reconstructed object in an array so that it may be referenced by index later.
Presumably for efficiency reasons, this array is not an automatically managed
collection like OSArray
. Instead, OSUnserializeBinary
manually manages a
dynamically allocated array of OSObject
pointers. After each new object is
deserialized, it is appended to the end of the objsArray
array without
incrementing its reference count. This should be safe since each generated
object is stored in its parent: the parent increments the entry’s reference
count to keep it alive.
When an entry is referenced by index during deserialization, the object pointer
is looked up in objsArray
, stored in the local variable o
, and retained:
case kOSSerializeObject:
if (len >= objsIdx) break;
o = objsArray[len];
isRef = true;
The entry o
is then released once it has been inserted into the parent
if (o != dict) ok = dict->setObject(sym, o);
sym = 0;
Use After Free
Unfortunately, this strategy does not ensure safety, since it is possible for
an object in objsArray
to be freed during deserialization, leaving a dangling
In a serialized dictionary, it is possible for the same key to be assigned a
value multiple times. Consider passing the following dictionary to
, presented in XML for readability:
<dict> <!-- object 0 -->
<key>a</key> <!-- object 1 -->
<string>foo</string> <!-- object 2 -->
<key>a</key> <!-- object 3 -->
<string>bar</string> <!-- object 4 -->
<key>b</key> <!-- object 5 -->
<object>2</object> <!-- object 6 -->
When the second assignment to a
is deserialized, the string bar
will be
inserted into the dictionary via setObject
. Since the old foo
associated with a
is being replaced by bar
, the dictionary will release a
reference on it. foo
wasn’t retained when inserted into objsArray
, so the
only reference on foo
is from the dictionary itself; since no one else has a
retain on foo
, it is freed. This leaves a dangling pointer to foo
. When the object at index 2 is later referenced, retain
be called on the freed foo
In order to exploit this bug we need to control the contents of the freed
memory, causing the call to retain
to use a vtable pointer we control.
Fortunately, we can easily control the allocation and freeing of objects by
specifying elements in the dictionary being deserialized. We can also cause a
block of memory to be allocated and filled with data we control by including
objects in the dictionary.
If we are going to control the vtable pointer of an object, we need to ensure
that the freed object’s memory is used to allocate the OSData
object’s data
buffer, and not the OSData
object itself. However, the OSData
object is
allocated before its data buffer, so we will create two freed objects: the
first will be reallocated for the OSData
container and the second will
contain our fake vtable pointer.
<dict> <!-- 0: dict -->
<key>a</key> <!-- 1: key "a" -->
<integer>10</integer> <!-- 2: allocate block1 -->
<key>b</key> <!-- 3: key "b" -->
<integer>20</integer> <!-- 4: allocate block2 -->
<key>a</key> <!-- 5: key "a" -->
<true/> <!-- 6: free block1; free list: block1 -->
<key>b</key> <!-- 7: key "b" -->
<true/> <!-- 8: free block2; free list: block2, block1 -->
<key>a</key> <!-- 9: key "a" -->
<data> vtable pointer </data> <!-- 10: OSData gets block2, data gets block1 -->
<key>b</key> <!-- 11: key "b" -->
<object>2</object> <!-- 12: block1->retain() -->
More specifically, we will use a dictionary with two keys, a
and b
, that we
shall repeatedly assign. First we will associate a
and b
with OSNumber
since on 64-bit OS X they are close enough in size to OSData
to share a free
list. We then assign a
and b
to true
, which causes the dictionary to
the OSNumber
s, freeing them.2 At this point the heap free list
contains b
’s OSNumber
at the head and a
’s OSNumber
right behind it. By
inserting an OSData
object in the dictionary we can cause the OSData
container to use b
’s OSNumber
and the OSData
’s data buffer to use a
. Referencing a
’s original OSNumber
by index will cause retain
to be called on the dead OSNumber
object whose vtable we overwrote, giving us
code execution.
We can disassemble the area around the exploitable call to retain
using lldb
to find the layout of the vtable:
ffffff800088016a cmp eax, 0xc000000 ;; case kOSSerializeObject
ffffff800088016f jne 0xffffff8000880819
ffffff8000880175 mov qword ptr [rbp - 0x40], rdi
ffffff8000880179 mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 0x58]
ffffff800088017d cmp r12d, eax ;; if (len >= objsIdx) break;
ffffff8000880180 jae 0xffffff8000880819
ffffff8000880186 mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x4c], edx
ffffff8000880189 mov eax, r12d
ffffff800088018c mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 0x60]
ffffff8000880190 mov r14, qword ptr [rcx + 8*rax] ;; o = objsArray[len]
ffffff8000880194 mov rax, qword ptr [r14]
ffffff8000880197 mov rdi, r14
ffffff800088019a call qword ptr [rax + 0x20] ;; o->retain()
At address 194
the first 8 bytes of o
(pointed to by r14
) are read into
the rax
register. This is the vtable pointer, which we control because we
overwrote the old OSNumber
object with the contents of the data buffer. Later
at 19a
the function pointer at address rax + 0x20
is called. This means
will be set to the vtable entry at index 4 while rax
points to the
start of the vtable.
Before we move on, it’s important to realize that this exploit will never be
fully reliable. Due to the nature of use-after-free errors, there’s a window
between when the memory is freed and when it is reallocated and filled with the
fake vtable pointer during which another kernel thread could allocate or free
memory. Losing the race means calling retain
on a random vtable, which will
probably panic the kernel. The best we can do is develop the exploit and hope
that reliability is not too bad.
In order to make exploiting this type of bug more difficult, recent versions of OS X ship with two protection mechanisms, known as Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention (SMEP) and Supervisor Mode Access Prevention (SMAP).
SMEP causes the CPU to generate a page fault whenever the kernel tries to execute code in user space memory. A SMEP fault will trigger a kernel panic, bringing down the system. To avoid this, the exploit code cannot reside in user space; once we control the kernel instruction pointer, it must point to valid kernel memory.
We can get around this restriction by executing a ROP payload rather than
shellcode. ROP, which stands for return-oriented programming, is a technique
for chaining together segments of code that already exist in the target program
to construct an exploit payload. Since rip
will only ever point into the
kernel, no SMEP fault will be generated. We will return to ROP later.
The other mechanism, SMAP, extends the protection offered by SMEP beyond just execution. When SMAP is enabled, any attempt by the kernel to access user space memory will trigger a page fault. (There are legitimate cases where the kernel needs to read user space memory, for example during system calls. Thus there are ways for the kernel to temporarily disable SMAP. However, we would already need to be executing arbitrary kernel code in order to do so, which makes this strategy useless for us.)
Bypassing SMAP is more difficult, since we would need to put both our fake vtable and our ROP stack at a known location in kernel memory. However, SMAP support was only added to Intel processors in Broadwell. In order to simplify the exploit, we will assume that the target is an older Mac without SMAP support. This allows us to place the fake vtable and ROP stack in user space. While the exploit could be made to work on SMAP-enabled CPUs, I didn’t have the patience while developing rootsh to do so.
In my testing, rootsh works on Broadwell processors when running under VirtualBox. Thus, even on newer systems with SMAP support, it should still be possible to run the exploit in a virtual machine.
Kernel ASLR
At this point we know how to control the kernel instruction pointer and we have
a strategy for bypassing SMEP. However, we still need to find the locations of
kernel functions we can use to elevate privileges. The OS X kernel binary lives
at /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
on the filesystem. Fortunately this is an
unstripped Mach-O file, which means we can parse the symbol
information embedded in the kernel image to find the base address of any kernel
function by name.
However, the functions don’t actually reside at those addresses in the running
kernel. For instance, the current_proc
function, which returns the proc
structure of the currently running process, is at address 0xffffff8000857180
in the kernel image, but on a live system it might actually be at address
. The difference of 0x0000000018400000
between these
addresses is the kernel slide.
OS X uses kernel address space layout randomization (kASLR) to hide the exact location of the kernel at runtime. During boot, the kernel is loaded at one of 384 possible locations3 that are 2MB apart. To figure out where the kernel is we need an information leak.
Our goal is to find a way to sneak a pointer to some kernel memory location out to user space. If we can get a pointer to a known piece of kernel code, we can subtract its static address from its runtime address to recover the kernel slide.
One promising way to look for information leaks is to search the XNU source for
calls to copyout
. copyout
is a kernel function that copies bytes
from kernel space to user space. Often the data is copied out from the kernel
stack, which presents an opportunity for an information leak if not all of the
copied bytes have been initialized.
The code of the if_clone_list
function is shown below:
static int
if_clone_list(int count, int *ret_total, user_addr_t dst)
char outbuf[IFNAMSIZ];
struct if_clone *ifc;
int error = 0;
*ret_total = if_cloners_count;
if (dst == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
/* Just asking how many there are. */
return (0);
if (count < 0)
return (EINVAL);
count = (if_cloners_count < count) ? if_cloners_count : count;
for (ifc = LIST_FIRST(&if_cloners); ifc != NULL && count != 0;
ifc = LIST_NEXT(ifc, ifc_list), count--, dst += IFNAMSIZ) {
strlcpy(outbuf, ifc->ifc_name, IFNAMSIZ);
error = copyout(outbuf, dst, IFNAMSIZ);
if (error)
return (error);
This function attempts to copy the names of network interface cloners to user
space. For each interface, the outbuf
buffer is filled with the interface
name and then copied out to user space. When ifc_name
is smaller than
, strlcpy
leaves the last few bytes of outbuf
However, passing IFNAMSIZ
to copyout
makes it copy the full outbuf
user space, including the uninitialized bytes at the end.
is #define
’d to 16, which doesn’t leave much room for an
8-byte kernel pointer if the interface name is long. Fortunately, the first
interface cloner is called “bridge”, leaving 9 uninitialized bytes in outbuf
Since this function can leak a full kernel pointer, we can probably recover the
kernel slide.
By inspecting the code, we discover the following call graph for
itself is used in the declaration of the socketops
const struct fileops socketops = {
This structure associates socket objects in the kernel with the implementations
of common file operations like read
, write
, and ioctl
. The call graph
suggests it should be possible to reach if_clone_list
by calling the
system call on a socket. To determine which ioctl command to
pass, we can look at the source of ifioctl
ifioctl(struct socket *so, u_long cmd, caddr_t data, struct proc *p)
switch (cmd) {
case OSIOCGIFCONF32: /* struct ifconf32 */
case SIOCGIFCONF32: /* struct ifconf32 */
case SIOCGIFCONF64: /* struct ifconf64 */
case OSIOCGIFCONF64: /* struct ifconf64 */
error = ifioctl_ifconf(cmd, data);
goto done;
case SIOCIFGCLONERS32: /* struct if_clonereq32 */
case SIOCIFGCLONERS64: /* struct if_clonereq64 */
error = ifioctl_ifclone(cmd, data);
goto done;
Here we see that the SIOCIFGCLONERS
command should be used with an
Given the above, it should be possible to leak parts of the kernel stack into user space with the following sequence of system calls:
int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
char buffer[IFNAMSIZ];
struct if_clonereq ifcr = {
.ifcr_count = 1,
.ifcr_buffer = buffer,
int err = ioctl(sockfd, SIOCIFGCLONERS, &ifcr);
printf("0x%016llx\n", *(uint64_t *)(buffer + 8));
If you’re lucky, running the above code prints a pointer value like
. The kernel slide is a multiple of 2 megabytes, so we know
that the lower 21 bits of the pointer are correct. Examining the OS X 10.10.5
kernel with otool, we find that there is only one instruction in the entire
kernel with a matching base address:
ffffff800033487f mov eax, r14d
Thus, we can subtract the reference address 0xffffff800033487f
from the
leaked pointer to recover the kernel slide.4
Just like with the use-after-free, this information leak is not fully reliable:
we’re counting on a pointer written to the stack during a previous system call
to still be there when we call ioctl
. At any point in between, any kernel
code that executes in the current process’s context could overwrite that
pointer. In practice this information leak is reliable enough, and it can be
improved by repeatedly leaking pointers and taking the majority value.
Elevating Privileges
Now that we have the kernel slide, we can calculate the address of any function in the kernel by adding the kernel slide to the base address of the function, which we can find in the kernel image. The next step is determining how to elevate privileges. To do this, we first look at how a process’s privilege information is stored in the kernel.
Each process on OS X has a corresponding proc
structure, which stores
the information the kernel needs to manage the process. A kernel thread can get
a pointer to its proc
struct by calling current_proc
. The proc
contains a number of pointers to substructures describing various attributes of
the process. One such substructure is the ucred
* In-kernel credential structure.
* Note that this structure should not be used outside the kernel, nor should
* it or copies of it be exported outside.
struct ucred {
TAILQ_ENTRY(ucred) cr_link; /* never modify this without KAUTH_CRED_HASH_LOCK */
u_long cr_ref; /* reference count */
struct posix_cred {
* The credential hash depends on everything from this point on
* (see kauth_cred_get_hashkey)
uid_t cr_uid; /* effective user id */
uid_t cr_ruid; /* real user id */
uid_t cr_svuid; /* saved user id */
short cr_ngroups; /* number of groups in advisory list */
gid_t cr_groups[NGROUPS]; /* advisory group list */
gid_t cr_rgid; /* real group id */
gid_t cr_svgid; /* saved group id */
uid_t cr_gmuid; /* UID for group membership purposes */
int cr_flags; /* flags on credential */
} cr_posix;
struct label *cr_label; /* MAC label */
* NOTE: If anything else (besides the flags)
* added after the label, you must change
* kauth_cred_find().
struct au_session cr_audit; /* user auditing data */
The relevant fields are cr_uid
, cr_ruid
, and cr_svuid
of the contained
struct. These values control the user ID, real user ID, and saved
user ID of the process.
Although it’s tempting to directly set cr_uid
and cr_ruid
to 0 to become
root, the ucred
structure might be shared between multiple processes. If the
of the attacking process is shared, setting cr_uid
and cr_ruid
to 0
will magically elevate a whole bunch of processes to root, which can have
unintended consequences. (I discovered this fact while running the exploit
under tmux; the exploit succeeded but each new tmux window I opened would
present a root shell. Less than ideal.)
The proper solution is to create a new ucred
structure with elevated
privileges for the current process. However, I just set cr_svuid
to 0
instead. This sets the saved UID of the current process and any processes
sharing its ucred
to root. From user space, our process could then elevate
privileges by calling seteuid(0)
to set the effective UID to root as well. We
haven’t eliminated the problem since any other process sharing the ucred
could also seteuid
to root. Nonetheless, this is much better than before:
other processes aren’t automatically granted root powers, and it’s unlikely in
practice that a normal process will suddenly try to seteuid
to root.
Thus, once we control rip
, we will get our proc
struct by calling
. We can then get a pointer to the ucred
struct by calling
and a pointer to the inner posix_cred
struct by calling
on the ucred
. Once we have a pointer to the posix_cred
struct, we will need an instruction sequence to set cr_svuid
to 0. Finally,
we will need a way to gracefully return from kernel space.
Building the ROP Stack
At this point we’ll examine how to leverage control of rip
to execute our
payload. When we get control of rip
we know that rax
points to the start of
the fake vtable. There is no single point in the kernel to which we can jump to
execute the desired attack, so we will need to use our control of rax
guide control flow across multiple jumps.
A good general strategy at this point is to try to pivot the stack pointer so
that it points to a fake stack that we control. If we jump to a short
instruction sequence in the kernel that makes rsp
point to our fake stack and
then executes a ret
instruction, rip
will be set to the address at the top
of our fake stack and the stack will be popped. If the new rip
points to
another short sequence of instructions followed by ret
, then we can execute a
few useful instructions and then jump to the new address at the top of the
stack. Continuing in this way, we can chain a series of short instruction
sequences together to build a full exploit. This technique is called
return-oriented programming (ROP).
The first order of business in building a ROP payload is to find a useful stack pivot. There are several tools capable of finding ROP gadgets or even automatically building ROP payloads. I prefer building ROP payloads myself, so I used ROPgadget to find useful gadgets in the kernel.
Running ROPgadget on the 10.10.5 kernel image produces over 45,000 gadgets.
There’s a very interesting gadget at address 0xffffff80007d5158
ffffff80007d5158 xchg eax, esp
ffffff80007d5159 pop rsp
ffffff80007d515a ret
This instruction sequence swaps the esp
and eax
registers, pops the top
element of the new stack into rsp
, and then jumps execution to the address at
the top of the new new stack. rax
points to the fake vtable, so the xchg
instruction will set the low bits of rsp
to the low bits of the address of
the vtable. One nuance of the x86-64 instruction set is that the high bits of
will be cleared by the xchg
because it’s operating on the 32-bit
sub-registers. If the vtable resides below address 0x100000000
, this xchg
will set rsp
to the vtable.
The subsequent pop rsp
will move the very first element in our vtable into
. We can use this to make rsp
point to the true ROP stack. The final
will start executing the ROP payload.
The first element of the ROP stack can be the address of current_proc
, which
will set rax
to the address of this process’s proc
struct. In order to feed
this result into proc_ucred
we need the next gadget to move rax
into rdi
as rdi
is used to store the first argument of a function call. Looking
through the list of ROP gadgets we find the following instruction sequence:
ffffff80004d49c4 xchg rax, rdi
ffffff80004d49c6 ret
This gadget exchanges the contents of rax
and rdi
, effectively moving the
returned value into rdi
. We can then use the same approach to call
and move its return value into rdi
, and once again to call
, leaving the posix_cred
struct in rdi
Now we need to set the cr_svuid
field in the posix_cred
struct to 0.
Conveniently, at address 0xffffff800041ab81
we find the sequence:
ffffff800041ab81 mov dword ptr [rdi + 0x8], 0x0
ffffff800041ab88 ret
Jumping to this gadget will zero out the third 32-bit integer in the
struct, setting our saved UID to root.
Finally, we must safely stop executing the ROP payload. The simplest way to do
this is to call thread_exception_return
, which will immediately return
execution to user space.
This leaves us with a vtable with slots 0 and 4 filled and an 8 element ROP stack.
Running the Payload
The last piece of the puzzle is figuring out how to trigger the use-after-free
and get our payload to run. In fact it’s quite easy to call
from user space: any function that passes a
CoreFoundation object into the kernel must serialize and subsequently
deserialize the object. We’ll use the
function from
However, we can’t just give the attack dictionary to
because the matching dictionary is passed as a
. No valid CFDictionary
will ever serialize to our attack
dictionary, so we need to call a lower-level function.
Looking at the source, we can see that
internally calls the
Mach trap to pass a binary-serialized
dictionary to the kernel:
mach_port_t _masterPort,
CFDictionaryRef matching,
io_iterator_t * existing )
kern_return_t kr;
CFDataRef data;
CFIndex dataLen;
mach_port_t masterPort;
data = IOCFSerialize(matching, gIOKitLibSerializeOptions);
dataLen = CFDataGetLength(data);
if (kIOCFSerializeToBinary & gIOKitLibSerializeOptions)
if ((size_t) dataLen < sizeof(io_struct_inband_t))
kr = io_service_get_matching_services_bin(masterPort,
(char *) CFDataGetBytePtr(data), dataLen, existing);
ool = false;
The kernel entrypoint is the function
which eventually calls OSUnserializeXML
to deserialize the dictionary.
Thus, we can exploit the vulnerability from user space by allocating a page
below 0x100000000
to store the fake vtable and ROP stack and then calling
with the malicious dictionary.
When I tested the exploit with this setup, I found that the system would occasionally panic trying to dereference a NULL pointer:
*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8018816df2): Kernel trap at 0xffffff8018c8019a, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x00000000c0010033, CR2: 0x0000000000000020, CR3: 0x0000000093386000, CR4: 0x0000000000040660
RAX: 0x0000000000000000, RBX: 0xffffff802042f8c0, RCX: 0xffffff80209c7200, RDX: 0x000000008c000002
RSP: 0xffffff8094723cd0, RBP: 0xffffff8094723db0, RSI: 0x0000000000000078, RDI: 0xffffff802042f7c0
R8: 0x0000000000000001, R9: 0xffffff802042fac0, R10: 0x0000000000000000, R11: 0x0000000000000040
R12: 0x0000000000000002, R13: 0xffffff802042fac0, R14: 0xffffff802042f7c0, R15: 0x0000000000000078
RFL: 0x0000000000010297, RIP: 0xffffff8018c8019a, CS: 0x0000000000000008, SS: 0x0000000000000010
Fault CR2: 0x0000000000000020, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x0 VMM
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff8094723980 : 0xffffff801872ad21 mach_kernel : _panic + 0xd1
0xffffff8094723a00 : 0xffffff8018816df2 mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x8d2
0xffffff8094723bc0 : 0xffffff8018833ca3 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xe3
0xffffff8094723be0 : 0xffffff8018c8019a mach_kernel : __Z19OSUnserializeBinaryPKcmPP8OSString + 0x2ca
0xffffff8094723db0 : 0xffffff8018cfbd3e mach_kernel : _is_io_service_get_matching_services_bin + 0x2e
0xffffff8094723de0 : 0xffffff80187df5c8 mach_kernel : _iokit_server + 0x738
0xffffff8094723e10 : 0xffffff801872ef8c mach_kernel : _ipc_kobject_server + 0xfc
0xffffff8094723e40 : 0xffffff80187139f3 mach_kernel : _ipc_kmsg_send + 0x123
0xffffff8094723e90 : 0xffffff801872429d mach_kernel : _mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 0xcd
0xffffff8094723f10 : 0xffffff8018802115 mach_kernel : _mach_call_munger + 0x175
0xffffff8094723fb0 : 0xffffff8018834278 mach_kernel : _hndl_mach_scall + 0xd8
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: rootsh
Boot args: usb=0x800 keepsyms=1 -v -serial=0x1
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:26:53 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.40.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 58F06365-45C7-3CA7-B80D-173AFD1A03C4
Kernel slide: 0x0000000018400000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8018600000
The page fault occurred on (unslid) address 0xffffff800088019a
, which is the
instruction that invokes retain
on the freed object. The vtable pointer is
stored in rax
just before this instruction. Looking at the panic log, it’s
clear that the rax
register somehow got set to 0 rather than the address of
the vtable.
What’s likely going on is we’re occasionally losing the race to reallocate the
freed memory. In between when we free the two OSNumber
s and when we allocate
the OSData
object, there’s a window in which another kernel thread can either
allocate or free memory and mess everything up. In practice it seems that the
most common value of rax
when we lose the race is 0. This indicates that a
simple way to make the exploit more reliable is to allocate our fake vtable at
address 0
. To implement this hack we need to compile the exploit as 32-bit to
enable legacy support for mapping the NULL page and we need to pass special
linker flags so that the final Mach-O doesn’t have a __PAGEZERO
However, placing the payload on the NULL page gives the exploit a chance to
succeed even when we lose the race.
The final exploit is reasonably reliable, triggering a panic twice in 3000 executions on an idle machine. Panics are significantly more likely when the system is under even slight load because the frequent allocations and frees are more likely to beat us in the race to reallocate the freed memory.
This wraps up our discussion. We’ve walked through the process of developing a full local privilege escalation exploit from two vulnerabilities, CVE-2016-1828 and CVE-2016-1758. The complete exploit code is available in my rootsh repository on GitHub.
I chose to target OS X 10.10.5 rather than 10.11.3 (the last release with both vulnerabilities) for a few reasons. First and foremost is that I was running 10.10.5 while I developed rootsh. However, even after updating I decided not to rewrite the exploit so that you can test it in a virtual machine. The App Store doesn’t keep the installers for old point releases: once 10.11.4 comes out, the 10.11.3 installer goes away, making it much more difficult to create a 10.11.3 virtual machine. By contrast, the Yosemite installer in the App Store shall forever remain at version 10.10.5, meaning anyone can come along at a later time and create a virtual installation. That being said, it shouldn’t be too difficult to rework this exploit for 10.11.3.
The actual path I took in developing this exploit wasn’t nearly as clean or guided as it’s presented here. There was a lot of trial and error and many, many hours debugging random kernel panics.
The rootsh
code is released into the public domain. As a courtesy I ask that
if you use any of my code in another project you attribute it to me.
Apple has since released Security Update 2016-002 for Yosemite, which bumped the build number up to 14F1713. Just like El Capitan, this new build is missing the ROP gadgets used by rootsh. At the time of this writing, however, the App Store is still distributing version 14F27, which is vulnerable to rootsh without modification. ↩
The freed
associated witha
is not used to fulfill the allocation ofb
s are never allocated: there are only two distinct values, and all references to them are shared. ↩ -
Numerous sources online suggest that the kernel is loaded into one of 256 possible locations. However, empirical testing on a 2011 Macbook Pro running OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 suggests that, at least on some systems and in some configurations, there may be closer to 384 possible locations. ↩
This hardcoded reference address only works on 10.10.5 build 14F27; in order to find the kernel slide on another version of OS X we would need a new reference pointer, which might not even be in the same function. ↩